Friday, October 1, 2010

Hi there everyone...gooood morrrniiiing! Today's sunrise is brought to you by...BLUE PHRASE! Nice, eh!

So. Here's what's on my mind at this very moment. I want to make my blog more exciting and readable. Does that make sense? I want to add stuff that I enjoy but that I can share with others so that they can enjoy it too. I got so many ideas but I'm not very savvy when it comes to computer, web and stuff. So for now I'm going to upload the prologue and first few chapters of this new story I'm writing. It's a small, fun project...not work. Feel free to comment, critique and give me advice.




Escape already, you know how. Do it! Yes, do it!

I could feel the invisible, menacing layer which coats my skin ripple over my shoulders as the voice whispered its advice once more.

I rolled my eyes. I should be used to it…but I’m not. Then again, at least it offered me sane advice this time.


My eyes inconspicuously scanned the small, cubicle-sized area around me—my jail cell. The dark room’s light consisted of shadows casted by the poor lighting from the halls, shining but a sliver of light in my direction. I used it to my advantage and expanded the light just inches more.

My body instinctively cringed at the use of my powers. Just this small fraction compared to the immense power I now know I have. But just because I have it, doesn’t mean I own it.

I’ve used this once before though, and ever since then, I’ve learned I can sense it better and use it secretly. If anyone here were to find out, surely they’d kill me.

Enough blabber—do it!

How? This isn’t the first time I speak to it—the voice. But it was getting on my nerves already and if I kept ignoring it, it would just get worse.

You know how…

I took this into consideration. I know how. I know how?

The sliver of light vanished and I could hear giant-like footsteps approaching. I couldn’t help the accelerated rate which took over my quickening heart. I could feel my blood filling with venom—meager increments pooled each time my heart sped up. Every three seconds, the venom collective throughout my system, expanding its horizon.

As soon as they enter my cell, I know what follows. I know what’s about to happen and my body is already expecting it. I can feel myself going into a panic.

The shot.

Relax, the voice croons. Breathe.

It was the best advice it’s given me. And as I inhaled a slow, even breath, I could taste the dry air around me, it helped me slow my heart enough to hear something other than its ear-shattering thumps. My fingertips felt tingly, and I instantly knew why…I was in control.

I opened my eyes and realized I never knew I closed them. There was no way the dark room could have warned me of this. I noticed then, how a delicate, red-like film had fallen over my sapphire-colored eyes, ever so slightly. Now I could see. More or less, everything was in a crimson shade, but that held no trouble. It’s as if I was wearing sunglasses, and mine have built in infrared.

I looked up and saw two, blue and red-like shadows standing beyond the northern wall to my right—the giant-like footsteps brought some company. But so far, it’s just them.

I watched their movements through the cement-filled wall and I could tell that their armor did nothing for their temperatures. I could also tell that their meek vests aren’t meant to protect against a hostile threat.

Suddenly, something shiny and fast disturbed my concentration and I snapped my head toward the left. A silvery, diamond-like figure flickered before me—the figure which occupied the cell next to me, I realized. Its posture was not aggressive and sat in an indirect manner—it had no idea I could see it. I felt the sudden urge to help him. After all, whoever they were, they’re held as a prisoner as well. But that thought was suddenly disturbed.

My attackers were there, just beyond the small, metallic door. I could hear their hearts beating fast. I could feel their warmth and toxic-free blood.

Humans, the voice scoffed.

I cringed. Just days ago, I thought I was human. Just days ago I fought to convince myself that these powers were all in my head, imagined by my highly creative mind.
But the fact of the matter was that I was not human, but they were. This was my chance to flee—escape. And I wasn’t going to lose it.

Humans did this to me, I reminded myself. They didn’t care that in my mind I was defenseless. In my mind I was a seventeen-year-old, human girl, trying to complete her last year of high school. I was normal. I had a boyfriend, more or less, and friends. I was semi-popular and somewhat pretty… in an odd way.

Regardless of all this, they didn’t care. So tonight, neither would I.

Now…Do it now!

Chapter 1 Phenomenon

“Psst!” Katie Lynn hissed.

I turned to my left and focused my attention on her. She was handing me a note, folded four times.

I took it and glanced toward the front of the class, where Mr. Jenkins stood with his back to us, writing on the blackboard.

So what happened last night??? It read and I smirked at her three question marks.

Nothing. I scribbled back then tossed her the note.

She threw me a scornful look. I couldn’t help the low laugh which escaped my throat. It was like looking at a kitten, hissing and puffed up with harmless threats.

But you left with him after lunch yesterday!

True. Katie Lynn didn’t miss a thing. I’d left with Brad yesterday. We were supposed to drive to the beach and spend the rest of the day together. Yet nothing happened. But knowing Katie Lynn, she would not accept no for an answer. But how could I tell her what happened without her freaking out? I was freaking out!

I’ll tell you later. I wrote.

She glanced my way and shot me another one of her disapproving glares. I sighed in relief when she nodded in agreement. I guess she figured it was too much to write.

Too much to write. I thought of this excuse for a few seconds while Mr. Jenkins explained his calculus method to the class. A class which by no means was paying attention to him. Seems about right, it was Friday after all. Besides the fact that Wednesday was our graduation day. All the seniors were buzzed about it and filled with anticipation to begin the last weekend of high school.

And although I too should be excited, it was as if this graduation meant nothing for my future. It’s as if some pressing arrangement wouldn’t allow me to enjoy myself in the glory of finishing high school. As if I weren’t a part of it.


“So, are you going to tell me or am I going to have to beat it out of you.” Katie Lynn clung to my arm and leaned her weight over my shoulder. She seemed particularly light today, strange how I could tell these sorts of things.

“Nothing happened,” I shrugged. We walked down the hall to our next period. Gym. One of the many subjects I had no trouble in.

“I’m gonna have to beat it out of you,” she decided and punched me a couple of times on the arm. Light, insecure punches. “Ow! Geez, Aubrey, you eat steel for breakfast?” she complained

“Huh?” It’s not that I didn’t hear her, I just didn’t understand. And Brad had walked right by us, with that look on his face—a disgusted look. His stance seemed to freeze before me, as if time wanted me to remember his expression.

“Oh my Go—…did you see how he looked at you?” Katie Lynn stuttered. She pivoted her back to roll her eyes at him.

I bit my upper lip and swayed my eyes uneasily—embarrassed. I wondered if I skipped out on today’s classes, would anyone notice. It’s not like I could get into any severe trouble at home or anything. My aunt wouldn’t mind. Odd how she’s never really cared much in regards to my studies.

She just had two rules after she took over my guardianship when I was seven years old—one, no television and two, maintain my body in strict physical shape.

“Aubrey Dragonae,” Katie Lynn reserved to utter my birth-given-name for serious situations. I guess she considered this to be one. “Tell me what happened,” she demanded slowly.

Hearing my surname always made my skin crawl. Only my aunt voiced it religiously. Usually when I heard it I would cringe, but for some odd reason, today I anticipated it. I smiled internally and suddenly felt the whisper of an irritating voice croon its way back into my thoughts. I didn’t strike it gone, the way I usually did, instead I waited for its command.

Tell her…perhaps then she’ll coward away from you…the way they all do, it snickered.
I shook my head. I should have known—it hardly ever made sense, it hardly ever said something useful.

“Katie Lynn,” I sighed and licked my upper lip after realizing I had been biting down on it, too hard perhaps. “Something freaky happened and…well he got all psycho on me and ran off. He left me at the beach all alone—I had to walk home.”

“What! He left you? He left you.” She repeated the words as if trying to understand them—first as a question, then as a statement. “Why? What happened?”

I pursed my lips. Why did I have to have such a curious best friend? Then again, why did I have to be so strange? I thought about what happened yesterday while at the beach with Brad. Regardless of the warm air and the sun blazing high in the sky, the beach had been seemingly empty. Only a few elderly people or mid-aged couples with their young kids were there. We were the only teenagers, skipping out on school to smooch it out in the sand.

He’d brought a bottle of vodka, as if to persuade me to do things after a few sips. I wasn’t a drinker though, it’s never interested me. We took our seats on the emptier side of the sandy dunes. We leaned back after he gulped down a few sips and he grinned his crooked smile at me. His green eyes shimmered like seaweed against the sun and he leaned in for a kiss.

That’s when it happened.

I remember being greatly excited. I was as much a part of this romantic scenery as he and I’d never been alongside a warm body wrapping so closely around me. I began to feel elated by the fact. No one knew, but it was going to be our first kiss—my very first real kiss. I could hear the waves clashing against nearby boulders and I concentrated on the sound to calm my nerves. I began to envision the tide pushing its way in, leaving low, circular impressions on the sand. I closed my eyes and imagined how the sun casted its rays against the clear water’s hue, making it sparkle and shine. I held the image behind my closed lids and waited for Brad’s lips to press against mine as his hand wrapped around my neck and gently tugged me close.
I waited for his lips to seal the distance—I waited in vain.

“What the hell! Are you doing that?”

I opened my eyes and was as startled as he. I was taken aback by the suddenly massive, tundra-like waves forming the shape of a person, directly in front of us. If that wasn’t bad enough, the shape approached us and extended its hand. I swear it looked as if the figure were smiling at us.

Brad’s frightened gaze found my face and it was as if he saw the answer to his question in my eyes. “I knew it! You’re one of ‘em, you’re freak!” he barked.

Chapter 2 One of the Unknown

“Brad, please. Don’t go! It isn’t me, I swear. Please!” I begged him not to leave me there, yet he eloped ever so eagerly, as if I were attacking him.

I chased him to his car and watched as his wheels left their black imprints on the ground. He sped off like a bat out of hell.

Why would he assume the water juggling had been done by me? What did he see in the reflection of my eyes? Didn’t he recognize how confused I was?

The voice suddenly chuckled and brought me back to where Katie Lynn and I stood. Her face contused by her confusion as she waited for details, answers…the telling of my evening with Brad.

The bell rang. I suddenly felt as if I rolled my eyes from within at how ironic it was. Katie Lynn didn’t seem to notice, but she seemed annoyed by the fact that our time to talk was up.

Saved by the bell…this time, the voice snickered.

So that’s where the roll of the eyes came from. It wasn’t me who had felt the need to do it…it was the voice. When will you leave me alone? I rebuked.

I thought you would have known by now, Dragonae. We. Are. One.

I cringed at the mere thought of it. Though I had already suspected this statement. I preferred to realize the voice and I were one rather than the fact that I was insane and making it up.

It’s not like the voice’s voice sounded like mine, or if its thoughts coincided with my own. It was a distinct personality, built in to my thoughts as if it were my conscience. A very annoying, manipulative, bad-mouthing, and badly influential conscience.

I once considered naming it, but that would be equal to indulging its power over my own. With time I found that the more I paid attention to it, the more it lingered. Yet when I forced myself to ignore it, it would vanish for days at a time until eventually those days turned into months and then years.

I was voice-free for a little over three years. But now it was back.

Enough of this boring charade—school schmool.

I cleared my throat, mentally. Finals, I reminded it.

The voice sighed tiredly. It seemed exasperated by my dedication to a high school exam. You will soon find how useless this all is, and you will regret not listening to me.

I sighed. It’s not like I wanted to attend class anyway. The whole Brad thing and my very own confusion to the whole situation made my head feel clouded and bemused. Besides, if the voice tried hard enough, eventually it willed me to do as it asked.

You say it like it’s a bad thing, it sneered.

I walked toward my locker and shoved my books inside then slammed the door shut.

Oh, c’mon Dragon, don’t be angry.

Don’t call me that,” I growled out loud.

“What?” Someone, a few feet away, wondered.

I shook my head in response to the lingering sophomore.


His insult provoked a menacing hiss to climb up my throat. My body twisted around to meet his belligerent tone as my attack-filled growl echoed in the long, otherwise empty hall and he instantly jumped back, frightened.

For some indefinite reason, I found it easy to blame him for everything I felt. My insecurities, anger, resentment, confusion but most of all, the loathing hatred I suddenly felt toward his existence. Not necessarily his existence, but more like the existence of his race—my race?

My body began to shiver slightly by the sudden rush of adrenaline drowning my veins.

Run, the voice commanded, as if warning me.

I ran. And in that moment I was sure the voice hadn’t intended in sparing me, it ordered me to run out of desperation of what I could have been capable of. I felt it in my fast moving limbs. The muscles within my skeletal shape reacted swiftly, fully aware of their capabilities. I darted past the student parking lot and into the woods.
nce tucked behind the cold safety of the trees, I relaxed and slowed down enough to visualize the shrubs surrounding me. I must have ran faster than I thought were possible to man because in just one minute, I had sprinted through the school, past the mile long parking lot and into the shadows of the forest. I brought my body to a sudden halt and looked around, realizing I was more than three miles into the wooded area.

I gasped. I always knew I had an agility far more advanced in comparison to my fellow peers, but this was just ridiculous. What was happening to me? What was this?

“What am I?” I whispered.

“I wondered when you were going to ask that.”

I swirled around and my body suddenly hunched forward—prepared to attack. “Belle?” My posture returned to normal after realizing it had been my aunt’s voice that startled me. “What are you doing here?”

“Waiting,” she admitted. She stood near a mammoth-sized tree. Next to it, she appeared smaller than what she truly was. Belle was around my height, five-six, slender frame, only her muscle mass made her appear thicker than I. She had long, wavy brown hair, big, brown eyes and a clean, pale complexion. My aunt Belle was my father’s sister. She took me in after my parents died but before then, I didn’t even know she existed. It’s not that she was mean or anything, but she could be pretty weird. All the wrong things mattered to her, and she expected the most bizarre things from me.

“Waiting?” I murmured my question and looked around. We were deep in the forest, nothing was out here. What could she be waiting for? I searched around for Poison, one of her many Rottweilers—perhaps she was taking him on a walk.

“Yea. I was waiting for an old friend but…it seems he’s stood me up,” Belle answered. She looked around, suddenly expectant.

“An old friend,” I pursed my lips. Her answer didn’t seem truthful and I stared at her.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in school or something?” She crossed her hands and leaned her weight on her right side. Trying to appear like an adult never suited Belle. She was young, around thirty, and not very expectant as one would suppose an adult or a parent should to be.

“Or something,” I nodded. “I had a bad day and decided to skip out of school. Either way, I know I passed already, no biggie.”

“No biggie, eh. Alright,” she raised an eyebrow at me. “Is there…something else you’re not telling me?”

I began to feel weirded out by the whole, finding my aunt in the forest thing, and suddenly felt the urge to go home. I sighed. “What else would there be, Belle?”

“You asked the wilderness a question before you realized I was out here too,” she explained. “I wondered if you would like this query answered now…if you’re ready, I mean.”

“I wasn’t asking the wilderness,” I mumbled.

“Oh? Who then?”

I suddenly wondered how much she had seen—if me, running at a high voltage speed, could be explained.

You can trust her, the voice said loudly, as if I were hard at hearing.
I shrugged and my shoulders tweaked, annoyed by its irritating tone. Suddenly, I noticed my head twitched. It bobbed sideway like I’d been bit by something.

“Dragonae,” Belle yelped. “Get down,” she ordered.

I did as she commanded, but not by choice. I suddenly felt my limbs go numb with pain and I collapsed to the ground. I could feel my entire body twitching—going into shock. My whole body felt as if it were being stabbed with tiny yet sharp needles. Like I’d been thrown over a table covered by them. Someone’s cries filled my mind and I begged the voice to shut up until I realized it was me.

“Listen to me, Dragon. Don’t share any information with them. Don’t tell them anything about your life—nothing at all.”

I didn’t understand Belle’s plea but I nodded. At least, I tried to.

I couldn’t move my arms or legs, as if they were tied down by thorn-filled branches. I bit down hard as not to scream aloud. I could feel my head shaking and I dug my fingers into the dirt for some sort of support.

“I’m going to tell you something I should have long ago. If I didn’t tell you sooner it’s cus your father begged me not to. You aren’t human, Dragon. You’re…you’re one of the Kheelat—one of the Unknown.” She paused and looked around suddenly.

I could hear footsteps approaching, I could hear hearts beating. I could feel how my veins gradually filled themselves with a burning liquid. I felt its alleviating, soothing effect take over my trembling body.

“They’ve found us. Remember your training, Dragon and find your way to me somehow.”

I saw her body blur before me—Belle had left me. The dagger-like pierces felt more like pin pricks now. I moved my heavy legs and started to rise when suddenly another shot entered my system. The mass had reached me.

No, don’t give up. Don’t gi—


That's it for now =D Hope you liked it. I got more written down so don't panic (if you like it.) you can also visit my stories on

Have a great morning and HAPPY FRIDAY!!

Love, Sapphire Blue


Anonymous said...

ahh that was so cool :D !
i wanna know what happends next already!

Sapphire Blue said...

Thanks so much! I'll upload the next 3 chapters this week.