Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hi everyone =D First of all I am sincerely sorry for not keeping up with my blog entries lately. I have missed the entire month of March (I believe) and most of April. Quick update: I now have web access again! Yay. AND I have a laptop now WOOT WOOT. Third, my baby niece is now 7 months and growing up so darn fast. She already stands and gets fussy when you take stuff from her. I love that she LOVES music! I sing to her and she enjoys it (and i have a HORRIBLE singing voice! ha) Fourth and most exciting for me is that I finished my book! I haven't officially celebrated since I have unwillingly pushed my friends off to the side because I can be an obsessive writer (curses). But yes, I am delighted either way! Now begins the difficult part: try to get it published. AND, I will soon begin to write the sequel. I just hope so bad, with all my heart that the first one can get out there and be loved. Anyway, I promise to write more often, I do miss my blog =D

Much Love,
Sapphire BLuE

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