Monday, September 21, 2009

Lost not Found

Yesterday i was out in the streets all day running some errands. I washed my car, purchased some movie tickets for 'New Moon' early, I did some groceries and passed through my college library. All to realize around 6:45pm that amidst all this I lost my USB cord with my story saved on there. I will not shy in saying that I cried for about an hour, and i woke up crying and as I try to recollect the last 2 chapters (chapters 8 and 9) my eyes get all teary and i can't seem to shake it off. Luckily I had chapters 1-7 saved on my PC but chapter 8 alone was like 12 pages (aprox) and i had already written like 4 pages to chap 9. Total of about 16 pages. I went back to the place i ate and it wasn't there, the car wash was closed so i couldn't check there. I feel so lost. Like a piece of me was ripped right out of my heart. I'm sitting here in front of my computer forcing myself not to weep and just try to squeeze what i can remember. I just finished writing it like 2 days ago so its still fresh but that isn't the least of my worries. It might sound silly but i am afraid someone will find it and somehow "distribute" it. I have never published anything and I am so afraid that will happen. I have worked on that story for about a year. I can't believe i let myself lose it. I keep trying to remember when i last saw it but my mind keeps playing tricks on me. I see it this way. If it ever does get somehow published with out my name as the author, i hope this blog serves as proof that I wrote it. And if it ever does happen I hope the bastards have nasty nightmares of guilt for the rest of their existance. I have worked so damn hard on it! the other day i spent my entire morning and most the the afternoon editing it and writing chapters 8 and 9. I was getting it ready to take to my high school english teacher. I can't express enough how upset I am that i have lost my USB. and no, i did not think to save it somewhere else. Like i said, i am lucky that chap 1-7 were somehow retrieved. For the record: I named chap 8-The Sanvers, and Chap 9-Dear Diary. I just pray that if someone did find it that they just deleted whatever they found and decided to use the USB for their personal usage.

Feeling very blue,
Sapphire Blue
for the record my real name is: Xochitl Garcia

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