Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Source

My Happiness’ Source

Many things influence my happiness. One of the three things is my beloved partner second, my small unit like family and third but not least (actually first) is my faith in God.

My partner and I have been together for almost 9 years (actually this month on the 28th will be our 9 year anniversary!). She knows who I am, who I want to be and who I am not, very important things. Sometimes I think she knows me better than I know myself. I love her, trust her, respect her, and appreciate her unconditionally. She is my P.I.C. =)

My beloved small family includes my caring mother and my protective sister (she is expecting a baby girl… 9/9/09 is the due date!) These two ladies mean the world to me. If I was amidst the worst, I can count on them and know that they will find a way to save me ASAP. I love them with every cell in my body and I don’t know where I would be with out them. If I were to lose them I would be exactly that…LOST.

And since this isn’t in order I have saved the very best inspiration for last show and tell. Yes God. I know that in the century we live in there are so many different views and religions and beliefs. But I only have one and He is God. I am not part of any particular group of religion. I grew up catholic but as a teenager I made the choice to step out of the Catholic views. I have always and will always believe in Him and I know he is with me everywhere. He guides me, I make the choices in my life therefore I do not blame Him for any of my faults or mistakes.

With saying this I felt I needed to add to my blog what inspires me…

I am desperately and smiley looking forward to my future niece. My sister isn’t sure what she is going to name her…although she does have a few choices lying around. Her significant other and she have decided to mutually agree on the name selection so it is a working progress. As we all know how the opposite sexes disagree in virtually everything. I wish them best of luck and I look forward to meeting her so badly… kisses her way!!! Love you sis and future niece… I will spoil you rotten and yell at you when you’re a teenager and making all the worst choices…. =o)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Right so as you might have guessed by looking over my blog is that I am indeed a Twilight fanatic. I read ALL the books and I am a major fan. I am totaly psyched to know that Dakota Fanning will portray the role of Jane in the upcoming sequel of Twilight, New Moon. So here is a poster view of her... Loving it!!! eeek can hardly wait!

my thoughts today...

So today I’m off work and I want to catch up on some writing. I don’t want to be selfish but I’m not ready to publicly display parts of my manuscript yet… Honestly I’m afraid that someone can “steal” it… do I make sense??

I signed up for this blog with the idea to let others know what the deal is with my writing project… but every time I find myself about to post/blog about it I end up ‘backspacing’ the words and replacing it with something else… Much of this has to do with the fact that I’ve heard so much of writing getting disbursed onto the internet and then someone steals the idea or writing or words or title. Whatever but the deal is that I freak out every time I decide to write about it on this blog or anywhere that people can officially see it.

This is not only my pet project, I have been working on this story for about a year. It’s a slow working progress since I hardly have time to write and I feel like its “my baby”…and you just don’t promote your baby with out a care in the world right?

Well hopefully I can build up the courage or something. Ill tell you what, I’ll keep you updated on any thing that goes down. I’ll try to write an unofficial description of some sort that won’t compromise it, and since the point is that I want to publish it one day I will keep you updated with that too.

Here’s the deal, I had this cool teacher back in high school (sophomore year) for a reading/writing class. She was tough and accepted no bull. As a teacher she let me know that I was one of her top students and that my writing was awesome. (I hate to brag so this is the short version…) since I am indeed a very lazy person I found out that I was going to have her again during senior year for a creative writing class and like a dumb ass I changed the class because in having her as a teacher again i knew i would get pushed to do my best constantly! Can you believe that? I fall back on the fact that teenagers are stupid and therefore make stupid judgment calls; as I did at the time!

Well, my plan is that when the school season starts again I will go to the high school (gosh hopefully she still teaches there!) and I will beg her to look over my manuscript. I remember that one of her co-workers, another very awesome English teacher, helped me a lot during my horrible high school days and I received a scholarship because of his determined help. I’m hoping they can somehow guide me through the publishing method and help me review and fixer-upper my story. Of course I will apologize to my x-teacher first for being such a dumb ass and then tell her how much it would mean to me if she accepted.

As you can see, I go a little overboard when it comes to who sees or who doesn’t see (well read, actually) my manuscript in the making. But I promise to give an all time exclusive sneak peak no matter the size here on my blog.

Thanks all for reading, I can get carried away, mind you, this was only supposed to be a brief hello and what not, but I go on and on and on. =D

Oh and if anyone has any feed back on my blog or the publishing or whatever, please by all means share, share, share! I would love to know how I can get more people involved into my blog… yes I can be quite dull but I would love to have people read my stuff. Oh boy here I go again, didn’t I say bye for now already? See what I mean about going on and on? =)

Ok I promise, one last note. I’m horrible with computers and uploading and stuff. But I really want to include some awesome pics of stuff that I love and that inspire me. I will try… :oP

Love Always,
Sapphire Blue ;)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Here is one of my all time favorite love poems that was in “Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas” by James Patterson:

You are the explosion of carnations
In a dark room.

Or the unexpected scent of pine
Miles from Maine.

Your are a full moon
That gives midnight its meaning.
And the explanation of water
For all living things.

Your are a compass,
a sapphire,
a bookmark.
A rare coin,
a smooth stone,
a blue marble.

Your are an old lore,
a small shell,
a saved silver dollar.
You are a fine quartz,
a feathered quill,
and a fob from a favorite watch.

Your are a valentine
tattered and loved and reread a hundred

Your are a medal found in the drawer
Of a once sung hero.
You are honey
and cinnamon
and West Indies spices,
lost from the boat
that was one Marco Polo’s.

Your are a pressed rose,
a pearl ring,
and a red perfume bottle found near the

You are an old soul from an ancient place,
a thousand years, and centuries and
millenniums ago.
And you have traveled all this
just so I could love you.
I do.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

from NICE to UGLY

Yesterday was rainy, dark and gloomy. believe it or not; that's just my kind of day. it helps me think and feel at ease. yes, the loud lightning and thunderous sounds help me feel relaxed. and today it's sunny and warm...not so nice...actually its ugly. i want it to be 65 degrees and rainy, cloudy and gloomy like yesterday...

Friday, August 7, 2009

bOOk Favs

these are just some, not in specific order...

*Twilight Saga (Stephanie Meyer)
*Uglies, Pretties, Specials (Scott Westerfeld)
*Blue Bloods, Masquerade(Melissa DeLaCruz)
*The Giver (Lois Lowry)
*Tweak (Nic Sheff)
*Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas (James Patterson)

Looking foward to reading:

*Extras (continual) by Scott Westerfeld ... awesome ass books!
*Revelations (continual) by Melissa DeLaCruz
*Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
*Gone but Not Forgotten by Phillip Margolin

First One

My very first bloging post =) I want to give a brief list of my FAVORITE and inspiring books... this might take some time :D

But first one of my favorite quotes

"Words are mere sound and smoke, dimming the heavenly light."

Faust-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe